Success Stories & More

Mentor Blog

The Birth of Hope

Originally titled “Hope” in my senior year of high school, “The Birth of Hope” reflects my personal journey of leaving behind my insecurities and anxieties, and pursuing

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Mentor Blog

Mentor Blog: Parameters

Pathways has a great system of “Parameters” and being held accountable, which I love. I think that’s what drew me to them. One of the

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Mentor Blog

Mentor Blog: Donna

How has your mentee grown, changed or became a healthier person since starting Pathways? My Mentee has grown a great deal just in the 1

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Pathways Clients

Mentee Blog: Javanna

I grew up partially in a foster home and then moved into another unstable living situation with my mother, an abusive older brother who had

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Pathways Clients

Mentee Blog: Franc

I was accepted into Pathways two years ago, during the summer of 2018. My life has changed exponentially since then. Before being accepted into Pathways,

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Pathways Clients

Mentee Blog: Christine

I started drinking and using at a young age. In high school I did just enough to maintain my full ride scholarship to play soccer.

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Pathways Clients

Mentee Blog: Dani

Since being in Pathways I have, slowly, discovered my voice. I have discovered a new confidence in myself that I lacked before being in Pathways.

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Pathways Clients

Mentee Blog: Catherine

Growing up, due to my situation living at home, I always had this thought that I would never be able to afford anything, especially college.

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Mentor Blog

Mentor Blog: The Crisis

My mentee is new to Pathways, accepted into the program last fall. Now a resident of a lovely apartment in our building, as well as

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