Before entering Pathways, I was struggling just to get by

Before entering  Pathways, I was struggling just to get by. Though I was working full time, my bills had piled up to a point that I didn’t know if I could afford groceries or gas to get to work. I knew that I wanted to return to college to finish my bachelors degree, but I had no way of paying for it.  I  figured that it just wasn’t in the cards for me. I was also two years sober and trying my best to maintain my sobriety on top of all of the struggles I was facing.

It is difficult to put into words how my life has changed in the last two years.

I was given the opportunity to get back into college full time and only work part time. I was able to move into the Pathways buildings and out of the apartment that I was struggling to pay for. I have been given the opportunity to take a breath and focus on my personal growth (for the first time in my entire life). I no longer feel like I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop because I know that I have a team of people constantly supporting me. The therapy I have received has changed my outlook on life and allowed me to focus on the present instead of the past. I will forever be grateful to this program and all of the good it has done in my life and will continue to do.
