My mentee is new to Pathways, accepted into the program last fall. Now a resident of a lovely apartment in our building, as well as a full time student in a local junior college, she was over the moon with her new situation.
One of the most impressive is the “Providers”, i.e., Therapists, Dental, Mechanics, Tutors and amazing offer of a rent free Apartment! Fortunately, an Apartment is available and my Mentee, Katie is now going to take advantage of that opportunity.
She was loving every perk made available to her: statistics too challenging? There’s tutoring!! Can’t afford gym dues on part time salary? The Pathways gym is beautifully equipped and NEVER crowded! Like to take scenic walks? Bolsa Chica Wetlands just a five-minute walk away. And her lovely apartment, all to herself. She loves cooking in the shared kitchen, too.
Then the world changed for all of us—classes no longer met in person. Our gym forced to lock its doors. Her work hours cut in half. And now all responsible citizens advised to remain indoors.
I was worried, not just about the financial repercussions, but the alienation and the emotional toll this current crisis would take. No longer able to attend her AA meetings, would she be able to maintain sobriety? Would her coursework suffer?
Pathways is such a caring place to be. Sharon Dickson, therapy coordinator, sent out a beautiful message of reassurance to the clients. As soon as I filed her monthly update noting some grave concerns, I received word that the organization is prepared to help the clients whose jobs have been impacted. And of course, in time, the lovely nature walks and use of the gym will be again be allowed. But our Pathways young women will not suffer alienation. They have a warm and wonderful family of support. They will emerge from this crisis, stronger and more self reliant.