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Change a life!

Join 40+ of your neighbors and become a mentor and role model to a young woman in need.

Mentors play a crucial role in supporting and encouraging the clients in Pathways to Independence. The idea of someone wanting to help and support them without an ulterior motive is often completely foreign. Most of the clients have never experienced a healthy relationship with an adult.

"Over time, mentors teach the clients to trust again and help the clients develop an adult set of values..."

Over time, mentors teach the clients to trust again and help the clients develop an adult set of values that aren’t anchored in the dysfunction of their childhood. The clients are required to check in with their mentors at least once a week by phone and then usually the mentor will coordinate an in person meeting once a month.

Ready to Apply?

Mentoring Application Instructions:
Please realize that this program is a long-term commitment (generally 3.5 years or more). Before you complete this application, please gather all the needed information. Your application will not be saved if you do not fill in the required fields (*).

To ensure you have a copy of the application please create a PDF.  Go to the top upper right-hand side where the three dots are, choose print, then in the destination box, choose PDF.