Being of service to others.

I’ve been in Pathways for about two years now, and I can confidently state that Pathways has changed the course of my life indefinitely. Before Pathways, my education was on the back burner, and I lacked the resources to be able to adequately pursue my academic career. Today, my life revolves around my scholastic trajectory and has granted me so many opportunities to grow in ways I would have otherwise thought weren’t possible. My mentor and client coordinator have been substantial in my growth as a client, as their genuine care and compassion have never failed to inspire me to always strive for excellence and make them proud. The success of my fellow clients has also motivated me to take on more responsibility when it comes to being of service to others. For this, I am forever grateful to these women. 

I recently transferred to Cal State University of Long Beach to pursue my Criminal Justice and Criminology degree, alongside finding work as an Emergency Medical Technician. In the future, I’d like to work alongside vulnerable populations within the Criminal Justice & Healthcare sectors. 

I most definitely plan on staying connected with Pathways well past graduation. Knowing that this program has changed my life, puts me in a position to discern that I could help other women pursue their academic careers as well. If I could be anywhere near as helpful and selfless as the leading women who have supported me through this program, I’d be extremely grateful and fulfilled to do that for another client. As Jon Kabat Zinn says, “Rather than exhausting yourself or your resources, you will replenish them. Such is the power of mindful, selfless generosity. At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift, and no recipient… only the universe rearranging itself.”
